
Lidia Mikhaylova

Сall for spring!

Maybe it’s because I’m a rebel by nature—I don’t like rigid frames or templates—but I feel pure joy when I hear in my classes: I don’t want to do it like you! I want to do it my way!”

These words—“I want”—are healing in themselves. Wanting something of your own, stepping beyond what is offered—that’s the first step to making yourself happier right here, in the moment.

And I firmly believe that the happiness of all begins with the happiness of each individual. It’s amazing when people take care of themselves and allow themselves even a little more joy.

And when “I want” comes from seniors—it’s a true celebration!

“What do you want to paint next?” I asked them.

“We want to keep painting spring! Spring flowers! Let’s call for spring!”

Oh, how I love it when they voice their desires—and I, too, want to call for spring! Along with it comes renewal and the hope for light and kindness.
