
Lidia Mikhaylova

Experience Art. Experience Creativity. Experience Happiness!

The influence of art on a person’s emotional state was probably already noticed by cavemen who began to paint mammoths on walls. Much has been written and talked about how painting or music can change a life (and not just the artist or performer).

When one makes art, they are immersed in the process and is left alone with themself, focusing on the present, learning to express themself and get to know inner world, to pour out emotions and control them.


I first heard that my workshops are like art therapy sessions from a participant. Later I went to study art therapy (and I am still studying it now), but when I created my workshop, I didn’t have such a goal – to make them art therapeutic. But I really wanted, and this is still the main goal of my workshops, to have participants perceive a workshop not as a complicated teaching of something new, not as a competition with other participants whose artwork is better, but as an interesting journey into the world of creativity, where there is no mistakes, where there is only the creative process.

Therefore, the first thing I ask participants in my workshops is to say goodbye to their inner critic and let it go for a rest during the master class – for 3 hours at least. To turn off all self-censorship barriers limiting the expression of emotions for that time.  In return for this I offer each participant to trust their intuition, to live and express all their emotions on the canvas, and then to explore their creations and, consequently, themselves. And learn a little bit more about themselves.

Come to my workshops to learn a little more about yourself. Perhaps you will discover a new side of yourself and never want to part with it again!

Experience Art. Experience Creativity. Experience Happiness.
