
Lidia Mikhaylova

Most frequent questions I get from students in my silk painting workshops.

What’s beautiful about silk painting?

The batik technique is unique. It’s the process of turning a white canvas into a fairy tale, where harmony reigns, the music of lines and colors in endless variations of magic and wonder. The texture of silk, which flows, fascinates and inspires, makes the colors shine and they glow 

What is the highlight of painting on silk?

Painting on silk is a creative process. At the end of the workshop each  one of you will create your own unique flower. And it will be absolutely your personal artwork. Even if you choose the same composition, each one of you will paint completely different artworks because each paint spreads differently, your hands moving are different, so your art works will be different.

Why was a flower chosen to paint on silk?

Flowers 🌹 are one of the most fertile topics for painting. People who paint on silk love it a lot! Silk and flowers seem to be made for each other. You will see how gracefully the petals turn out on silk. How leaves are visible from color spots – you need only to underline them a little bit and the flowers will come to life.

All flowers have something incredibly sensual and healing, all of them have a sincere and openminded energy, unchanging purity and healing power. Some of them symbolize love, wealthiness and prosperity like Peony for example, others – perseverance, love of life, optimism, faith in the future, like Sunflower.

I don’t know how to paint at all. Does it make sense for me to come to this workshop? Will I be able to do it?

This workshop will be interesting and useful for everyone – who has experience in painting and who thinks he does not know how to paint. At the beginning of the workshop, I ask all students to say good bye to their inner critic, let him go out from the class! Because the main purpose of this workshop is to express yourself and create a flower based only on your own expression. We will go together to the interesting, amazing journey where there are no  mistakes. Where there is only creativity and freedom of your expression – together we will play the beautiful melody to the color. We will paint on silk using free watercolor technic and only a few simple rules I will tell you about.

Will you help me if I make mistakes in the painting process?

The Nature has nothing perfect. Therefore, we can let us do whatever we want. Any disadvantages by your opinion will become a highlight of your flower. And of course, I will always be there to help you on your creative journey.

How can I use my artwork after the workshop?

After the easy technique of fixing paints on silk, which I’ll tell you about in the workshop, you can use your artwork as you like. This small piece of painted fabric can be used as an interior pillow, a print on a sweater or a bag, amazing wall art décor, scarves.

Experience Art. Experience Creativity. Experience Happiness.
