Come to my workshops and bring your friends!
Having been conducting my workshops for almost 2.5 years (time flies!), I always, ALWAYS encounter the fact that almost all participants, with very rare exceptions, are initially afraid to start painting something of their own. They want clear step-by-step instructions “like in your picture”. And I understand them – after all, in front of you is silk (not a sheet of paper or even canvas) and liquid paints that spread. And also salt, alcohol… And a great fear of spoiling everything, even before starting – because many of them are not even used to drawing, let alone on silk. And a huge lack of self-confidence, thinking that nothing can be spoiled, only embellished, add your own twist, your own taste.
But I am relentless here – only your own! The picture is just a sample that you can rely on at the initial stage if it’s easier. And then – explore yourself, look inside, don’t be afraid, just move forward and it will definitely be beautiful! According to your definition of beautiful!
For me, making art is the simplest and safest way to face my fears, get to know them, and go through them. Take a step towards yourself. And then apply these patterns in life, in more complex situations.
Let’s do it again and again! Come to my workshops and bring your friends! The schedule is on my website – [email protected]
Experience Art. Experience Creativity. Experience Happiness.